Tarella returns
Mount Major Uplift Tarella has returned home from quarantine from Global Reproductive Solution at Goorambat after being flushed for embryos for Neill and Jane Burke of Chequers Murray Greys NZ. The second flush has returned another two A grade embryos. This was below average for numbers of embryos per flush, but we are all pleased that we have 5 A grade embryos from the two flushes that will go into the Chequers breeding program. Cow and calf are all well and it is good to have them home. We have decided to let Tarella have a natural mating to Echuca. We have been so impressed with this combination that we will try again. A big THANK YOU goes to Dominic and all the staff at GRS. We have been so impressed with the care and professionalism that you have taken with the animals, it has been fantastic.

The Grand Old Duke of York comes to visit
Willalooka York Y96 has come to stay at Mount Major between semen collections. Roger and David Houghton of Rogialyn Murray Greys have kindly lent us York for a joining. York is a big silver bull and will be used lightly and as a back up sire to our AI program. York has an average Birth weight and is still a trait leader for 200, 400 and 600 day weights, he also has positive rib and rump fats and IMF.

Excellent EBV results for Grange
Mount Major Grange has jumped up the rankings with the submisson of his scanning information. Grange now sits at number 2 at $ 74 for LF , number 3 at $64 for SM and number 3 at $77 for HG $ Index. More impressive is he now ranks in the top 10% for Carcass wght, EMA, Rib, Rump and IMF.
Echuca jumps in the rankings
Echuca is now number 2 for both LF and SM $ indexes for the 2009 drop at $70 and $68. His figures continue to improve as more data from his calves is submitted. Echuca's calves have both style and performance with MM Hoodoo and MM Hydramatic looking brillant. I also have a 12 heifer calves that are looking fantastic.
First Flush
Tarella has had her first flush, we collected 5 eggs 3 of which are A grade. We have decided to adjust the hormone levels and try again. The next flush date is Sunday the 25th of November.

Embryos to NZ
Mount Major Uplift Tarella C3 has just entered quarantine for embryo collection. Neill and Jane Burke from Chequers Murray Greys NZ selected Tarella for embryo collection on their recent trip to Australia. Tarella will be joined to Dajory Dynamic. We are very proud to be able to provide new genetics for Neill and Jane (it shows that is not just me that thinks that everyone should have a Tarella to pat in their paddock). 18/09/12
Winner of Name the Calf Competition
For a fundraiser for our kids' primary school, Sarah and I donated naming rights for the first bull calf born at Mount Major in August. Julia Kildey was the winner and she has named the calf Mount Major Hamish. Hamish is sired by Cadfor Destiny out of Mount Major Kyla F8, he is a bit of a surprise package and may be one of the picks of the drop.

Mount Major Gazzle G6 has been entered into the Royal Melbourne show, he will compete in the 12-15 month class. He is sired by Echuca and his dam is Mount Major Chrissie C2. He is very correct and is looking good.
We've just had our first calf of the season!! A beautiful silver heifer out of Emma E3 and by Echuca. Davo's very excited and has been outside every 30 mins checking for more! 05/08/12
Sarah will shortly be leaving her job at Dairy Focus to start working from home as a farm advisor, focussing on animal management. She can help you with lameness, calf rearing, fertility, cow behaviour and farm data. Visit our Consultancies page for more information. 20/07/2012
Mount Major has just purchased a very welcome addition to our herd
Silvergums Moonspinner SGM A103 was bought at the Silvergums/Mt View Dispersal on 2nd July. Moonspinner is by Willalooka Thug out of an ET Willalooka cow. She has growth traits that are in the top 5-10%, she has positive fats and an average birth weight. She is a very structurally sound and very sweet. We are all very happy with our purchase. Moonspinner has a bull calf at foot by Millwood Cooper and is ready for joining (the noise from the bull last night confirms that! At least I know the electric fence is working).Find out more Posted 04/07/2012

STOCK & LAND, January 19, 2012
Mount Major Murray Greys is using the breed's known carcase traits as the foundation for its herd, with outstanding results.
The stud's herd sire all have estimated breeding values (EBVs) in the top one per cent of the breed, while the 2010 drop of calves is in the top 25pc.
Principals Brett Davidson and Sarah Chaplin have been using Breedplan since they founded their stud seven years ago and have now added carcase scanning and structural scoring to their recording system....